Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The puppet.

Hey guys! How are you doing? Its been a min hasn't it? I am so sorry I haven't been on here in a while. Last week was crazy busy for me; I had my dentistry end of posting continuous assessment and I also had a fully booked weekend for makeovers (i'll share some pictures with you when I get good professional pictures).
Moving on, somebody on my BBM used this picture as her display picture the other day and wrote; "the woman is equal to the puppet, the struggle for perfection is real" as her pm. I took a minute to digest the message, then went ahead to study the picture and I realised how deep the message was. So, I saved the picture and waited for the right moment when I was inspired to write about it.
The struggle for perfection is indeed real. Who society paints as the perfect/ideal woman is someone with the perfect figure; the smallest waist, the biggest hips/butt and the perkiest boobs, someone with straight hair because somehow, having kinky hair is imperfect and dirty, someone with the fairest skin because being dark skinned is not pretty....the list is endless.
Who comes up with these ideas of perfection anyways? The funny thing is how "perfection" keeps evolving. Some years ago being fat was considered perfect, and then it moved on to being skinny(Lepa shandy) and now it's thick(what does that even mean). I have realized that you can never truly be perfect. Perfection is the AKNOWLEDGEMENT of who you are, what you are and how you look like. If you have a small  butt embrace it; let it be perfection to you. If you are fat rock it. Be proud of how God made you. If you think of yourself as triangular shaped let traingular shaped be the definition of sexy to you. Because if you decide to keep up with societys definition of perfect you will never truly be happy and content and then body dismorphic disorders, eating disorders and depression would be born. However, in accepting yourself do not bring down other people or make anybody feel anything less than what they are. Everybody has inner demons they are fighting with and it sure would go a long way if they weren't being brought down for how they looked.

I see pictures like this and wonder if talking badly about someone else's body makes you feel better about yourself
This on the other hand helps you embrace yourself and build your confidence.
Well, that's it for this post guys. I hope you have found a word or two encouraging if you are going through the puppet phase. We are all sexy just the way we are and if you feel like you want to change something about the way you look it should be because you want to not because of what society wants. Please share your views, opinions and contributions in the comment section. Take care now. Ciao.